You are welcome to stay with us overnight when you visit your loved one.
Call Us: 910-918-2473 @Tammie Keyes
You are welcome to stay with us overnight when you visit your loved one.
Call Us: 910-918-2473 @Tammie Keyes
1. Provide prepared foods for dinner and/or breakfast. Homemade or bought
2. Wash sheets and towels (at the facility)
3. Clean bathrooms and kitchen area
4. Vacuum and dust mop the floors
5. Paper work- call prison to check out appointments; put information (names, addresses, survey info) in computer
6. Volunteer coordinator: recruit, coordinate dates and times, train, schedule, write thank-you notes
7. Create and promote fundraisers at your church to provide funding for the Center
1. Register people (with much love, joy, and acceptance)
2. Eat dinner with our guests; get to know people, pray with them as requested by them. LISTEN, LISTEN, LOVE, LOVE
3. Children can come, with parents, and show God’s love by playing with the children who come.
4.Give a short devotion when asked.
5.Be part of praise and worship times once a month.
6.If the need arises, adopt a family to correspond with, help out, disciple…
7.Write notes of encouragement to families that are coming to visit and have come.
1. Cleaning supplies.
2.Snacks/ prepared foods that can be frozen or are packaged (frozen biscuits, croissants, cookies) small boxes of lemonade etc.
3. Coffee/ teas/sugar and cream.
4.Coffee pot with a timer.
5.Small ‘care’ packets for children to take home; could include toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, packaged candies, small Bible story book, small pack of crayons, mini coloring books
6. Prayer throws/ small quilts to have available to give to families on their first visit.
7. 4 white rocking chairs.
8.Toy chest
9.Table and 4 chairs for children
10.Large bean bag chairs for children
1. Be part of the prayer team and receive periodic prayer updates from those to whom we minister
2. Be part of prayer meetings for the center and for the people in prisons the last Thursday of every month.
3. Share Matthew 25 Center prayer needs with your congregation and Bible study groups
4. Bring Sunday school class/ Men’s groups/ ladies prayer groups to meet here at the Center
We will need to schedule you for any of these volunteer requests. Please call before you come.
***These requests are contingent on the number of families who register to come. We will be able to give a two week/ to three day notice if a family is coming and how many.
Dates and times open to volunteer help will be posted on our website:
Please sign your name, phone number, and e-mail address with the volunteer job in which you are interested.
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